"Où ce sont les suiveurs qui définissent le leadership positif"in Réinventer le leadership, EMS, Paris.
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Organisation du colloque du Réseau International de la Diversité, Bayonne, Octobre
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Parcours :
- 2014 : University of Montpellier :
PhD in Management Sciences
- 2008 : Master degree, Organization Sciences
- 2007 : Master Degree, Quality Management in Food Industry
- 2006 : Master Degree, Social Engineering
- 2005 : Master Degree, Psychology
Thèmes de recherche :
- Domains : Human resources management, Organizational and industrial psychology, Managerial control of individuals and work teams behaviours.
- Specialities : Behavioral control, High reliability and Safety, Occupational Health, Innovation, Change management.
Fundamental Research :
- Domains : Organizational behavior, Critical management studies, Foucaldian apparatuses.
- Specialities : Organizational discourse analysis, Managerial apparatuses descriptions, knowledge archeology.
Concerns and different sector studies :
-Social Work and healthcare, Sport Management, Manufacturing industries, Public Management, Start-ups and Entrepreneurship.
Methodological speciality :
-Field investigation, Qualitative and Ethnographic SurveysMy PhD thesis is a fundamental research and an ethnographic survey on autism care in France viewed through the lens of Managerial Sciences. Performance of organizational devices and managerial rationality facing Complexity are questioned :
-The Transv